Sorry for the previous vague message. Would you please consider including Rika later...? I'm really disappointed she isn't anywhere on your new merch lines :( .
She has her own DLC, Rika's Behind Story... and there's the fact she's a much stronger presence than Vanderwood.
I love Vanderwood, but it hurts how you're pretending Rika fans don't exist. She's one of the key characters of the game with a very deep, rich backstory...
Yes, we exist. Yes, we love her. Please think about including her next time :(. And yes, I'm really happy you included Vanderwood and Elizabeth! But excluding Rika is just... why!
Thank you for your inquary.
This is Cheritz Market.
Unfortunately, this product does not include RiKa.
When the new product is released later, it will be announced on Cheritz SNS.
Thank you for loving the Mystic Messenger.